JIDA v.2 – Message from The Founder
Message From The Founder
Greetings to all former and current Presidents, Board Members and Members! It is my pleasure to commend Johor Interior Design Association (JIDA) for its continued expansion and growth in terms of functioning, networking and membership. It is encouraging to see that JIDA is going strong and a lot of fresh blood has been injected into the team. My appreciation also goes to the former presidents for their dedicated leadership, their efforts in improving operations as well as the association’s visibility and recognition, not forgetting also their contributions in revenue generation through exhibitions and a wide range of activities, all of which have consolidated the foundations of our association. I would also like to acknowledge all the members who have contributed their valuable time and effort to make the association one we are all proud of. Taking it one step at a time, we have steadily marched on for thirteen(13) years and it has not been an easy task.
It was 40 years ago when my marriage took me across the miles to Malaysia and settled down in Johor Bahru. Having resigned from my arts and crafts teaching profession, I embarked on an interior design career and has since accumulated much knowledge and experiences in this field. In the earlier days, interior designers were few and far between in Johor Bahru and the demand for interior design was expressed by the rich and privileged few. Interior designers were either attached to well-known furniture stores or renovation companies producing designs through instructions from their respective employers and creativity is not a concern – skillful drawing techniques would suffice.
However, my trip back to Taiwan in late 1980s has broadened my vision and enlightened me allowing me to grow not only as a person but also as a professional interior designer. During the time, I gained expertise in the field working through a myriad of projects including designs for showroom featuring prominent brand name product displays. I was thoroughly impressed by the high levels of academic credentials, technical expertise and professionalism displayed by designers from the international arena and how such eminent qualities helped them stand out from the crowd in a competitive market.
In 1995, I set up my own designing firm, Milan Design Institute, with the aim to impart my accumulated experience to young designer based upon the ideology of creating the perfect space tailored to individual style and needs. In 1996, vigorous development of the real estate industry contributed to the introduction of home space architectural design and visual aesthetics of developer showroom, which in turn prompted home buyers to see that having a well-designed, luxury home is not a dream. Due to the increased standard of living as well as tastes and preferences, interior designer has emerged as a popular profession gradually gaining importance in the public eye.
However, as the local interior design profession is relatively young and evolving, I thought that it would be beneficial for interior designers to get connected to professional groups where like minded thoughts are shared and discussed. Hence, with a sense of enthusiasm and mission along with a number of like-minded associates, JIDA was formed in 2003. It is hoped that by pooling the wisdom and efforts of dedicated individuals, the association will promote higher professional standards in the field and boost its status in the local business community. It also has added value in fufilling interior designers’ mission to improve the efficiency of environmental space while contributing to economic development.
I trust that our new President, Ms Law Lee Kiau, with her dedication and commitment, will lead the association to higher grounds taking our development to the next level of excellence. I wish JIDA a bright, thriving future and beyond!
Kimberly Wu
JIDA, Founder
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